A creative incubator launched in Gloucester - kick-starting creative industry

The creative and cultural sector definitely seems to be on the up in Gloucester.

Hot on the heels of announcements of a new culture strategy for the city and following significant funding from Arts Council England last year for cultural events surrounding the Rugby World Cup, a new cultural and creative hub is to be opened.  The new centre will be based in Grosvenor House and Kings House, Gloucester and will provide over 15,000 square feet of space for visual and performance artists to produce work and rehearse.

Lise Noakes (Con) Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure stated:

“This is a fantastic new resource for the cultural sector and will really help retention of young and aspiring artists, as well as helping raise the profile of the arts in the city.  I am happy that as a city council, we have been able to facilitate the use of empty office and retail space in such a creative way to bring benefits to the people of the city without incurring any significant costs”

The new cultural hub will be entitled the “Jolt centre” and the concept has been developed to help Kick-start creative industry, in a similar way to the business hub supported by GFirst LEP and The University of Gloucestershire. Marketing Gloucester, the city council, Arts Council England and other partners have been promoting the concept for nearly two years following closely the model presented by Hamilton House in Bristol, which is completely self-sustaining.

Nicola Wildin, Chair of Theatre Gloucestershire, and a nationally recognised artist said:

“the new Jolt incubator- is going to play an integral role for artists all over Gloucestershire. A space for visual artists to work. Performers to rehearse. And many more to explore. A creative hub in the heart of Gloucester that will certainly nourish the artists of today and inspire future generations. Our aim is to find raw talent to be nurture it by allowing experienced and young artists to come together in one creative hub.  This will provide an exciting platform to showcase work. Theatre Gloucestershire will be a leading force in developing the cultural landscape of the city of Gloucester and the county. Enriching the tapestry. Making it more diverse and allowing those untold stories to be told.”

Although the current location is unlikely to be the final location for the centre it is hoped that over the next couple of years that a self-sustaining arts community can be developed that will act as a catalyst for growth in the cultural and creative sector in the city and beyond.  It is hoped that the centre will provide studio space for visual artists, rehearsal space, and act as hub where artists can share inspiration and best practice. 

Sue Colverd currently of the University of Gloucestershire, formerly of the Everyman Theatre and an Olivier nominee is vice-chair of the new project and commented:

“Theatre Gloucestershire's "Jolt" programme provides a genuine "inclusive social enterprise" for a wide range of established and new artists and practitioners in Gloucestershire providing a creative building- base incubator for their work – kick-starting creative industry in Gloucestershire “

Theatre Gloucestershire is an established charity, set up to promote the arts in Gloucestershire.

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