An extra day to do something extraordinary for Gloucestershire

Gloucestershire business people - now is your chance to make the most of the extra day in 2016’s leap year.

GFirst LEP is encouraging business people to give their time to the local business community, and do something extraordinary for Gloucestershire. You can get involved in many ways - helping young people as a business mentor in secondary schools, volunteering your time as an Ambassador at the local Skillsfest event in March, offering a person out of work some experience in your organisation, and much more.  

Your time is valuable to the development of other people and businesses. GFirst LEP wants business individuals to come together and pledge some time towards projects and activities that will boost growth in our economy, whilst raising awareness of what a great place Gloucestershire is to do business. Working together, local businesses and the LEP can make a real difference.

Pledge your time now and help to promote Gloucestershire as a great place to do business; whilst gaining recognition for your activities.

It’s really simple – just send us your pledge for 2016 at Keep an eye on our new hashtag #1000GLStories on Twitter, to get pledge inspiration from local business people and to share your story with Gloucestershire and beyond! More details at

If you’d like to help us in strengthening the economy of Gloucestershire, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Hello! My name is and I work at . I’d love to hear more about what you do, so please send your monthly newsletter, packed full of all the latest Gloucestershire business news, to . Oh, and by the way, my number is .                                  

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