Call out to Gloucestershire Organisations: Supporting the Shift to Low Carbon Economy in All Sectors

Gloucestershire aims to become a national centre of excellence for innovation and learning in the energy sector.

On behalf of the national Growth Programme Board, the Department for Communities and Local Government is inviting Gloucestershire organisations to apply for the ERDF call - ‘Supporting the Shift to Low Carbon Economy in All Sectors’, with a value of up to £3,300,000.

Gloucestershire already has a strong track record in the energy sector with some large innovative firms headquartered in the county, and is also home to innovation-strong higher education institutions. This call is looking for organisations to support the shift to a low carbon economy in all sectors, and specifically promote energy efficiency and renewable energy use in enterprises and research and innovation in, and adoption of, low carbon technologies.  

This call seeks to invest European Regional Development Funds in activities that utilise the knowledge of innovative firms headquartered in the county, learn from previous low carbon projects, and capitalise on the county’s current innovation and local assets. The call is seeking support in the following areas: 

Call Specification – Deadline 27th May 2016

The call is specifically divided between two distinctive strands:

-          Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in enterprises. Allocated £2,200,000

-          Promoting research and innovation in, and adoption of, low carbon technologies. Allocated £1,100,000

The ERDF required outputs that must be delivered, full details and how to apply can be found here.

If you have any questions, or would like any further information on the call please contact GFirst LEP on

If you’d like to help us in strengthening the economy of Gloucestershire, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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