Calling all businesses in Stroud

With the backing of Stroud District Council, Severn Wye are looking for 6 businesses in the Stroud District who would be interested in participating in a new pilot energy saving initiative.

This pilot project is called The Energy Manager Project (or TEMP) and it is aimed at:

Businesses with an energy spend over £10,000 per annum.

Businesses who do not have their own Energy Manager.

Businesses who are committed to reducing energy costs, but need guidance and perhaps some motivation.

The project involves the 6 businesses having an energy expert to help guide them towards energy efficiency savings. Over a 12 month period participating businesses will have 7 days of an energy manager's time. The Energy Manager will:

Analyse historical energy consumption. This will help identify areas where savings can be made.

Complete an energy survey of the business.

Produce a report, suggested action plan and present then to management.

Help get quotes for any measures the business wish to follow-up.

Complete staff training on energy efficiency.

Where appropriate - carry out thermographic surveys, compressed air leak testing, lighting level surveys and renewable feasibility studies.

Help save you time by doing the research for you.

Each business would need to commit to investing a minimum of £750 on energy efficiency measures in their businesses within 3 months of agreeing an action plan. While partly funded by the local authority each business would also commit to paying 25% of the savings achieved in the first year, towards this service. So contributions are based on results achieved.

Matt Williams Senior Business Energy Advisor at Severn Wye said "The resulting action plan will have measures that can be implemented over a number of years and this should set the participating businesses on a clear path to an ongoing regime of reducing energy waste and possible revenue generation opportunities from renewables."

If you would like to know more then please email Matt on or call 01452 835 075

Click here for more information.

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