Gloucester and Cheltenham Cool Aeronautics event

To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Gloucester and Cheltenham Branch of the Society has joined forces with a number of local aerospace companies, the Jet Age Museum and Gloucestershire Airport to organise two days of aviation education and fun.

On Friday the 1st July, we are inviting a limited number of local, Key Stage 2 primary school pupils, to come and experience the wonders of flight at Gloucester’s Jet Age Museum. Cool Aeronautics is the Royal Aeronautical Society’s primary school outreach programme that aims to introduce children to the fascinating world and people of flying, aerospace engineering, and space. The event is free to attend and offers an opportunity for young people – the ‘new generation’ – to meet inspirational people from across the industry and to engage with aerospace themed activities that are relevant to the current Key Stage 2 National Curriculum. With tours of the museums exhibits, interactive learning about how aircraft are designed, built and fly. During the day we are also expecting visits from aircraft and helicopters based at the airport. As there are a limited number of places available please contact Gary Murden at Dowty Propellers on 01452 716263 or at as soon as possible.

On Saturday the 2nd the emphasis will be on the public face of the Gloucestershire aerospace industry. All of the supporting companies will be participating with two marquees one with exhibits of the counties contribution to the global aerospace industry. Everything from cockpit displays to giant undercarriages, composite propellers to flight controls. Come and talk to our teams about the products and careers in aerospace. In the second marquee there will be talks throughout the day on the history of the industry in Gloucestershire, the current state of both civil and military aviation in the UK and the future of flight. In addition we will have visiting aircraft from operators at the airport and we hope flybys from some of the aircraft using our locally made products. Using the museum as a back drop this day is open and free for everyone. More details will be posted nearer the date.

If you’d like to help us in strengthening the economy of Gloucestershire, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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