Gloucestershire business owners, marketers and students learn Whats the point of LinkedIn

CIM in Gloucestershire team chair, Luan Wise, addressed over 60 staff, students, local business owners and marketers about LinkedIn at an event held at the University of Gloucestershire last week (9 February).

Luan, an independent marketing consultant and Chartered Marketer guided delegates through the steps needed to create an all-star profile on LinkedIn along with top tips for making connections, building relationships and generating opportunities.

Luan shared: “LinkedIn really is the most effective social media platform for businesses, and business people. It’s trusted, and whether you are looking to generate leads, share content, drive traffic to your website or find a new job – it works.”

The event took place at University of Gloucestershire’s Park Campus hosted by CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing), the world’s leading professional marketing body. CIM members in Gloucestershire organise a broad range of skill development and company knowledge share events for local members. 

Penny Eccles, Director of Communications and Marketing at the University of Gloucestershire said: “It was fantastic to host this CIM session at the University and to see such a large and diverse audience. Luan shared her secrets to help us improve our own LinkedIn profiles and to ensure we stay connected with our communities. I think everyone left the lecture theatre with some action points”.

To find out more about future CIM events taking place in Gloucestershire visit

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