Grant funding up to £170,000 now available for businesses in rural Gloucestershire
Why not come along to one of the workshops to find out more?
11th January 10am to 12pm – The Kings Head Hotel, 24 Market Place, Cirencester, GL7 2NR
24th January 10am to 12pm – Vantage Point, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0DD
6 December 2017
Applications are invited from micro and small businesses and community organisations in rural areas of Gloucestershire for funding from the RDPE Growth Programme and the two LEADER programmes. The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
1. The Growth Programme – Tourism Infrastructure
£2.8million of funding available (increased from £1.7 million) to encourage visitors to spend more time and money in the rural parts of the county.
Small businesses, social enterprises, farmers, land-owners, rural community groups, charities and public bodies can apply.
These grants (for capital investments) range from £35,000 up to approx. £170,000 and are for investments that will help grow and develop tourism in rural areas.
2. The LEADER Programme
The LEADER programmes are open to applicants for projects, which support national and local key investment priorities. These are; farm productivity; business support/farm diversification; tourism; culture and heritage and forestry productivity.
These grants (for capital investments) are available now from £5,000 to £100,000 (up to 40% of total eligible costs) for micro/small businesses, and from £5,000 to £50,000 to farmers/foresters, community groups and other organisations.
All applications must contribute to the creation of jobs, growth in businesses or organisations and demonstrate a benefit to the wider economy in rural Gloucestershire.
If you would like to know more about either of these funding streams, the application process or to discuss your project idea please register for the event.