New website makes it easier to find green installers

Householders, businesses and community groups across the Forest of Dean are being encouraged to visit the new ‘Link to Energy’ website that links people planning energy efficiency improvements with local installers.

The Link to Energy network, which is run by the Severn Wye Energy Agency and supported by the Forest of Dean District Council, helps to bring together homeowners, businesses and community groups with the growing number of specialist providers which offer energy efficient heating, lighting, insulation and renewable technologies.

Neil Towler, project manager for Severn Wye Energy Agency said: “Adding cavity wall insulation to house walls, installing solar photovoltaics on a village hall, or heating business premises with a biomass boiler are just a few examples of improvements available. Since April 2015 over £200,000 worth of these measures have been installed across Gloucestershire through these registered installers. As well as making energy bill savings and reducing carbon emissions, they can also advise on grants and financial incentives that are available.”

Cllr Carole Allaway-Martin, Cabinet Member for Housing and Wellbeing said: “This website will take the effort out of finding the right installer for anyone thinking of putting energy efficiency or renewable energy measures in their homes and businesses.  While energy prices remain unpredictable, more and more residents and businesses will be looking for ways to make savings.  The Warm & Well advice line, talk with householders everyday about how to save energy, reduce their heating bills and invest in green measures.  This website will give homeowners and businesses direct access to over 100 Severn Wye Energy Agency registered installers.”

To celebrate the launch of the new Link to Energy website, supplier member  ‘Simply LED ‘is offering an exclusive 10% discount on its lighting products to Link to Energy Users.

Anyone looking for installers and suppliers of all things energy efficient should visit or call the Warm & Well advice line for free, impartial advice and information on Freephone 0800 5003076.

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