RAU celebrates TWO nominations for The Guardian University Awards

The Royal Agricultural University (RAU) is thrilled to have been shortlisted for two Guardian University Awards 2016, for ‘Entrepreneurship’ and the ‘Sustainability Project’

The Guardian University Awards recognise the value of specific initiatives and campaigns, offering a seal of approval for outstanding work. The shortlist for each category was made by expert judges.

The Sustainability Project category recognises ‘an outstanding initiative that creates and champions a more sustainable living and working environment in the university and beyond’. Our award entry showcased how the University implemented its Environmental Action Plan to drive a holistic series of interventions; installing innovative technologies, improving biodiversity on campus and in the community, incentivising behaviour change, and reviewing supply chains. It also demonstrated how sustainability is embedded throughout the curriculum. 

Pearl Costello, Environmental Officer at the RAU said: “We entered this award to celebrate all of the progress we’ve made in the past few years, despite being a very small institution. We’re delighted that The Guardian has recognised this, and hope it will inspire other universities to push towards a sustainable future. I’m also pleased for all our students and staff who have been able to get involved with our sustainability initiatives and contribute to our goals.”

The Entrepreneurship category is awarded to ‘an initiative that encourages a spirit of creativity and self-belief that helps students to launch their own enterprises’. Our award entry focused on our new Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Programme, which provides targeted enterprise support for students at all stages of business development; ranging from workshops and business mentoring, to proof of concept funds, competitions, and opportunities to trade. It also highlighted how Farm 491, a pioneering new start-up facility for budding agritech entrepreneurs, will enhance the programme.

Katy Duke, Student Enterprise Co-ordinator at the RAU, said: “We are delighted to be shortlisted for The Guardian University Awards 2016 and the recognition this gives to all those involved with our Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Programme, from our student entrepreneurs to our team of externals mentors and supporters.  We are proud of the support we have provided to our budding entrepreneurs, and hope the recognition we receive will help us to grow the programme further.”

To find out more, visit The Guardian University Awards 2016 webpage.

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