Tewkesbury Borough Business Guide and Directory to help encourage business growth
A free directory detailing the wide range of businesses and services available in Tewkesbury Borough is now available.
19 March 2014
A free directory detailing the wide range of businesses and services available in Tewkesbury Borough is now available.
The Tewkesbury Borough Business Guide and Directory aims to help people and businesses to find local suppliers and service providers, as well as promoting the borough to potential investors looking to locate to the area.
The directory also provides information on the help and support available, including details of local business support organisations, key economic data and a location map of industrial estates and business parks.
The directory is available in hard copy and electronic format - as CD Rom and on Tewkesbury Borough Council’s website - and will be widely distributed to businesses, residents and potential investors to the area.
It has been produced by Burrows Communications Ltd in partnership with the borough council, and is self-funded through advertising.
Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Lead Member for Economic Development and Promotion Councillor Dave Waters said: “Business directories are an excellent way of helping local companies trade with each other and promote themselves to a wider audience, so we’re really pleased to be able to introduce one for Tewkesbury Borough. This new directory will be widely distributed to help stimulate new business activity and promote existing business growth within the borough.”
For a copy of the directory, please contact Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Economic Development team on 01684 272249 or email:
Alternatively, to look at it online, please visit: